Friday, August 8, 2008

Itzzz MEE!!!!

Cloud nine is just okie..shly fine. . .
When i think of how far i wanna fly. . .!
My aspirations r beyond the limits of this galaxy which
comprise of only a few million stars!
D sun's latitude...
and oceans breadth are not enough to swallow my attitude !
My wish-list is higher than Mt. Everest's top!
D biggest tsunami cant submerge d passion widen me!
Or a fatal earthquake couldn't even shook an ounce of my zest 4 life!
I live a momentary life and so i flow like a river. . .
I rome about in my imaginary world with my fictitious characters!
. . .D bliss of beauty is all i have experienced . . .
.......i m 1 among all but just unlike all. . .........

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